
Tom's Photo Album:


Tom 1951  at 3 months Tom Vallely in 1955
Tom 1951 3 months Tom in 1955
Tom Vallely in 1962 Tom Vallely in  1969
Tom in 1962 Tom in 1969

Brian Valley 1981 1952
Son Brian Joseph Vallely in 1984 1952-Agnes, Bob in front; Steve, me and Dad in back
Brian and Tom at Disneyland 
Brian and Tom at Disneyland 1985 
Tom and Daisy   Tom and Daisy and the time machine. 

1961 Tom and David  Dad and Family 1952 
 Tom and brother David 1961  Back: Brother Steve, me, Dad Front:  Sister Agnes, Brother bob 

Mom and Dad 1937 Ginny 1935
Mom and Dad 1937 Mom in 1935
1942 1943 mom and dad 
 My father, Hugh (left) with his parents(1942). Mom and Dad 1943 

Taken in 1862, this is my maternal Great-Great Grandfather, George Yocam (seated center), my Great-Grandfather, George Yocam (standing left). My Great-Great Grandmother Mary Ann Duncan is seated left.

Back row:  George, Jesse, Melissa, Edward
Seated: Mary Ann, George, Charley, Christopher
1905 Taken about 1905, this is my Great Grandfather George Yocam (seated center), my Great Grandmother Mary Ann Rathbun (seated left), and my Grandfather, Virgil Yocam (standing left).
Back Row: Virgil, Elza, Arthur, Will Lester
Seated: Mary Ann, George, Ora Yocam Lester
Front: Vera Lester Warren, Lucille Lester

